Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Oh, it's the same idea, it's the same idea..."

So, yeah. Today marks the second annual bomb threat. We were on the news and everything.

And, once again, we're stuck out in the stadium. For hours. With no sunscreen.

My life is just so much fun some days, I can hardly believe it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Oh, frilly hell...

I was just FORCED to change to the new blogger. If I wanted the thrice-dashed new blogger, I would have signed up for it before, you bastards. WHO ARE YOU TO TRY TO CONTROL ME???????? Like my life isn't difficult enough.

Well, I don't feel better, but my rant for this evening is about something different. So I signed up for an internet dating service (as the whole two of you reading this very well know), thinking, "Surely, this will be different than real dating, right?" Oh, ho, WRONG, my friends!

The rejection is the same, though faster and without awkward pauses in conversation (very "let's pull off this Band-Aid now"). That's fine. I'm used to that. But the still have to wait for them to answer. It's like waiting for people to call, but worse...though you have the option of "nudging" them. It's nagging, but without the benefit of an actual relationship. Yeah, I so totally want to be that woman.

In larger news, what the hell is up with the world today? It makes me sad, and terrified for my kids. What kind of pain flips that switch in your head that makes it ok to hurt other people? To treat them like they are nothing?

But I see it all the time...the kids don't see other people as real. They are the centers of their own universe, without any understanding of empathy or the pain of others. No wonder we have children snapping. If everyone else is just a toy, what does it matter if you break them? You can always get a new toy.

It makes me sick.