Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"...[W]e had evidently stumbled into Grammar Geek Alley"

Oh. My. This only shows what a dork I am.

I am reading (and laughing uproriously at) Eats, Shoots & Leaves.

A small sample:
"Evidently an A level in English is a sacred trust, like something out of The Lord of the Rings. You must go forth with your A level and protect the English language with your bow of elfin gold."

Cracks me up.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Get back in the fiery water!

Today was an interesting day.

In the Chinese curse sense of the word.

1st and 2nd periods, fine. 3rd period, fine...until the last 5 minutes, wherein we were summoned outside to the football field. This is not normal.

So I go up to the office to see what's going on, and it turns out we've had a bomb threat to the school. Bully for us.

So from 3rd period until the end of 6th, there we are, out on the football field. In the sun. On the hottest November day EVER. With no sunscreen.

Remember Spring Break, anyone? Especially for the girl with the see-through skin?

Yeah, it's that bad.

And there weren't even any explosives.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I give them Shakespeare, they give me "Ass"

Let me explain.
I live down a dirt road. Since I leave in a bit of a hurry most days, dust is stirred in great quantities. Said dust leaves fairly thick deposits on the back of the car. I amuse myself by writing Shakespeare quotes in it. If asked, I will claim this is a postmodern comment on the lasting nature of literature, but we all know it is because someone must write in the dust, so it might as well be me.

So my quote 2 days ago was "We few, we happy few! We band of brothers!"
I was quite proud, though uncertain as to the placement of the exclamation points.

I come out later in the day, leaving school at an all-time early for me of 3:40. One of the precious darlings has written, below my quote: "Wash my Ass!" (sic)

So cultured.

Also, I have a sore throat. I'm halfway hoping that I am sick, but I'm not really prepared for a sub to do anything, so no. Ugh.

I've been thinking about this sore throat, though...if I lived in Austen's time and I got strep throat, I could call it "putrid." No one uses putrid anymore.

I'm just saying.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

To VH1: no, they can't.

Except for possibly Joe Pantaliano, Morgan Fairchild, and the blue ranger from one part of the Power Ranger ouvre (don't know which). The others must die. Or at least have their vocal cords removed.

At least it's for charity.

Thanks for the Candy....

Ha! The principal is coming to spy on my class tomorrow. The first kid who throws something gets sent home immediately! That'll show 'em. (they made me think of the coworker sketch from Retaliation today. It's that bad)

Has anyone ever realized that the moral of Grease is to act/dress like a whore to get your boyfriend back? Disturbing, but not nearly as much as what I'm watching (But Can They Sing? VH1 strikes again)

Speaking of Dane (a paragraph ago), look what I found! Dane

Morgan Fairchild has freakishly long fingers...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Either the wallpaper goes or I do....

One of my kids self-diagnosed himself as a psychopath today. I tried to tell him that psychopaths would not see themselves as such, but he didn't believe me. He barely believes that I can read. So if I die in a horrid orgy of school violence, you know where to look first: 4th period.

Other than that, everything was fairly good today.

The book is so, so good...

I'm watching Bones now, and planning on watching House later. They are awesome as well. Joy!

I have no life.